€5,00 off

Conny Janssen Danst - ZIEL

An ode to life / language: no problem

In ZIEL, the latest performance by Conny Janssen Danst, an adventurous group of dancers goes in search of freedom, lightness and unexpected encounters. The desire to live life to the fullest is leading. But is this possible even if life does not conform to our intentions and wishes? What keeps us from embracing life and breaking through the restrictions we impose on ourselves and each other?

In Conny Janssen's latest work, we stand in the middle of life, with all its uncertainties and contradictions. Can we accept life without becoming paralyzed by the challenges ahead of us. Are we willing to take risks?

SOUL is an ode to life, with all its ups and downs, its surprises and disappointments. From hushed moments to exuberant celebrations, from painful confrontations to hopeful expectations. In ZIEL, we express the urge to be free and reckless, to throw open the shutters and dive into the deep end, without fear or trepidation.

Photos: Martijn Kappers
Trailer: Davide Bellotta / Three Hands

'Beautiful, strongly danced performance with spectacular stage presence'

- De Volkskrant

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