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Diergaarde Blijdorp

The zoo of Rotterdam and surroundings / language: no problem

In the indoor Oceanium, walk across the sea floor and along various coastlines. In the glass tunnel, sharks and sea turtles swim over your head! On the African savannah, meet giraffes and zebras. Also be sure to take a look at the newborn Asian elephant Maxi and don't forget to visit the little pandas in the new Himalaya area.

Children can expend their energy in the Oewanja Children's Jungle. Clamber 14 meters high and slide down through the trunks. Blijdorp Zoo also supports several conservation projects and is in the top ten zoos in terms of population management programs for endangered species.


Blijdorplaan 8
3041 JG Rotterdam

Opening hours

Winter time: Daily from 10:00 to 17:00
Summer time: Daily from 10:00 to 17:00
Check the website for current opening hours

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