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Forteiland Pampus

The figurehead of the Defense Line of Amsterdam / language: no problem

Go for Pampus! The island of Amsterdam, where history and future come together. Discover 400 years of stories and experience the ultimate island feeling.
Fort Island Pampus: an island full of stories from the past, present and future

For 400 years, Pampus has featured in stories. From impregnable depths of the 17th century, where ships lay off Pampus, the figurehead of the 19th-century Defence Line of Amsterdam, to 21st-century UNESCO World Heritage Site. On the island and the museum fortress, discover more about Pampus' long history. In the beginning as a shallow in front of the entrance to the city of Amsterdam, later as a fortress island as part of the Defense Line of Amsterdam and today Pampus is on its way to becoming the first sustainable, fossil-free and completely self-sufficient UNESCO World Heritage Site in the Netherlands.

An experiential journey through time

Fort Island Pampus is a unique location, in the middle of the IJmeer, for an inspiring day on this world heritage site with a beautiful museum fort. The many stories about Pampus and the museum fort are told today in different ways. At Pampus, everything is about history, adventure and enjoyment. About twenty rooms, ranging from narrow corridor to impressive dome, show how the 200 Pampus soldiers lived in the fort and how everything sailed and the special place water had in the defense of the Netherlands. The route of "The Story of Pampus" brings you closer than ever to history with contemporary film projections and sound effects. The top attraction "The Secret Weapon of Amsterdam" takes you on a virtual balloon ride over the defensive line of up to 135 kilometers long around the capital. For those who want to hear the unwritten stories about the rich history of the fort and the island, our guides are ready for a guided tour.

Tour of Pampus

There's also plenty to do outside on Pampus, though! Take a walk around the island and see that in addition to being a cultural site, Pampus is also home to a special piece of nature. From the fort roof you have a spectacular view. The museum shop "Het Magazijn" and the restaurant with its lovely terrace and beautiful view complete your visit.

Sustainable progress with history

The history of the fort island must sustainably advance into the future. If you are on the island, you can see all the changes toward 100% sustainable self-sufficient and fossil-free with your own eyes. For example, there are already solar panels on the Pampus Pavilion, which now provide a third of the energy needed for the island, restaurant and fort. Further milestones include the fermentation of green waste, which will power the Pampus kitchen and, in the future, even the circular entrance building. The plant food is then used again in Pampus' vegetable garden. The vegetable garden has been expanded again this year with the goal being to grow vegetables, herbs and edible flowers here year-round for the kitchen. Every day we prepare fresh dishes with vegetables from our own garden, supplemented by the finest products from the region.

Furthermore, a new water installation with innovative filter will be installed this year, allowing Pampus, to extract its own drinking water. The energy system will also be sustainably expanded and the brand new circular entrance building is on the horizon.

Forteiland Pampus is therefore not only worth a visit for its heritage but also an inspiring location for a business event or meeting.

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