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Requiem – Mozart

Krönungsmesse - Mozart / language: no problem

Mozart's Requiem became known to the general public through the film “Amadeus” and is perhaps the most impressive work by this composer who died young. Mozart wrote it just before his own death, commissioned by an anonymous patron. The Requiem evokes feelings of mourning, fear and sadness. But at the same time also hope, light and beauty.


The festive Krönungsmesse shows a very different Mozart. At the coronation of the king of the Bohème, the archbishop stipulated that the mass should not exceed 25 minutes. Despite, or perhaps precisely because of this restriction, the mass radiates vitality and energy.

Miserere May

The concert opens with Allegri's impressive a cappella Miserere Mei. At one time, this work was not allowed to be sung anywhere but in the Vatican. Until 14-year-old Mozart heard it in the Sistine Chapel in Rome and wrote it down in full. Now to be heard live during performances!


The Bach Choir & Orchestra of the Netherlands

Olga Zinovieva, soprano

Clint van der Linde, countertenor

Martinus Leusink, tenor

Thilo Dahlmann, bass

Pieter Jan Leusink, conductor

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